15 September 2010

Exactly 4 Months to Go Before the Bugs Kiss

Today is September 15, 2010 and it's exactly 4 months before our wedding!

I’m not talking nonsense here. I checked our wedding tickler and it says:

The bugs are so close to each other already! I’m so excited our wedding is nearing already. I love the wedding preps especially the part when I annoy Doms and ask him to do the artwork of our Save The Date Cards, table numbers etc.

I’m also excited about the fact that when we go for a short trip to Manila this November, we can finalize a lot of things already like Doms’ barong, wedding cake, PS give-aways and the likes. We will also have our pre-cana seminar and canonical interview in those days.

How time flies!

The bugs are so close to each other already! I’m so excited our wedding is nearing already. I love the wedding preps especially the part when I annoy Doms and ask him to do the artwork of our Save The Date Cards, table numbers etc.

I’m also excited about the fact that when we go for a short trip to Manila this November, we can finalize a lot of things already like Doms’ barong, wedding cake, PS give-aways and the likes. We will also have our pre-cana seminar and canonical interview in those days.

How time flies!

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